The Comprehensive Guide to Building a Messenger App Like Botim

Author: Waleed K. | August 16, 2024 -
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  • Dubai-Blogs
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From the moment we wake up to when we go to bed, our phones ding with notifications, and emails and text messages from a fabric of the everyday interactions in both our private and work lives.

This brings us to the fact that the presence of so many communication applications may indeed become a window of opportunity; the construction of a single messenger application can transport you into the world of digitalization.

Introducing Botim, a spotlight amidst countless application hosts, particularly in VoIP-limited areas. But wait, how much does it cost to build an app like Botim?

This guide unveils the multiple layers of this new digital reality and reveals how you can build your own messaging powerhouse in a market segment that is still in its infancy yet exploding in terms of potential.

The Rise of Messenger Apps and Botim’s Unique Position

The digital communication environment has changed during the last couple of years and billions of people now prefer to use messenger apps. Leading this change is the Botim app which is a communication application that has found its unique place, especially in areas where internet services are heavily restricted.

Launched in 2018 by US-based Algento and then bought by South Korean firm Astra Tech in 2023, Botim started as an instant messaging app but has grown into an all-encompassing communication platform. These factors have made it an essential application since it can work in regions where other VoIP services cannot operate.

When analyzing the cost to build an app like Botim, it is essential to consider the distinctive characteristics and technological platform that define this product. This article explores how to create an application similar to this one, paying particular attention to costs, must-have features, and the incredibly complex technology stack necessary for a project of this kind.

Understanding Botim: More Than Just Another Messaging App

To set the stage for the discussion of developers’ costs incurred, let’s understand how the Botim app stands out from hundreds if not thousands of messaging apps.

What is Botim?

You might be wondering, “What is Botim?’. It is an all-inclusive communication solution that provides instant messaging as well as voice and video calls. One of its highlights is that it can work in areas where other similar services can be limited or even blocked. The Botim web app and the mobile applications ensure that the users can access the platform through different devices.

Key Features of Botim

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Available on iOS, Android, and web browsers
  • End-to-End Encryption: Ensuring user privacy and data security
  • High-Quality Voice and Video Calls: Even on lower bandwidth connections
  • Group Chat Capabilities: Supporting up to 500 members
  • Multimedia Sharing: Easy exchange of photos, videos, and files
  • Integrated Payment System: Facilitating financial transactions within the app
  • Broad Network Compatibility: Functions on 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and Wi-Fi without VPN

These features are important to consider when calculating the cost to build an app since each aspect contributes towards the overall difficulty and cost of development.

The Market Potential for Messenger Apps

But let us first acknowledge the tremendous potential that lies in the communication category of apps, specifically in the space of messengers. According to recent statistics by Statista, in the year 2025, the mobile messaging app users will be estimated at a figure of 3.52 billion. Such exponential growth, therefore, clearly shows the potential that exists for new competitors into the market.

Factors Influencing the Cost to Build an App Like Botim

Several key factors contribute to the overall cost to build an app like Botim. Let’s break them down:

1. Platform Selection

This also means that the selection of platforms has a big influence on the overall development expenditure. Botim Android and IOS applications are the mobile version of the application while the mobile web application targets the desktop user through the Botim web app. Designing for several platforms is costly in terms of initial costs, though reaching out to a vast audience.

Cost Implication: Building an application for a single platform (for example, Android or iOS) costs between $30,000 and $50,000. Development for different platforms can bring the total cost of the app to over $80,000 to $120,000.

2. Design and User Interface

The design of the application should also be friendly to the user and this is especially true for the messenger app. It covers wireframe, mockup, and final UI design that is not only beautiful but also effectively solves the problem.

This involves designing easy to follow navigation menus, attractive chat windows and users avatars as well as profile pages. This makes the consideration of factors in UI/UX design important as it determines the quality of users and their retention rates.

Cost Implication: In terms of cost, the basic to intermediate level UI/UX design can range from $10,000 to $30,000.

3. Core Messaging Features

The foundation of the app involves using features such as real-time messaging, push notifications, and synchronized messaging across devices. This includes in creating a good messaging communication process, the ability to deliver the messages immediately and in addition using other options like conformations of read messages, notification of typing and even status of the messages to be conveyed. Data synchronization is a key process to keep the user content as updated across multiple devices as possible.

Cost Implication: These core features usually cost between $20,000 and $40,000 of the development budget.

4. Voice and Video Calling Functionality

Incorporation of effective voice and video calling features particularly those suited for operation in restricted networks is a complicated process. This involves using WebRTC for communication between peers, managing codecs depending on available bandwidth and connection quality, and implementing solutions for less stable connections. Maintaining the voice quality and call support in such networks is a very critical but a challenging factor.

Cost Implication: This feature set can cost the overall price between $30,000 and $50,000 more.

5. End-to-End Encryption

Security is important and a top priority with messaging apps and their users. Ensuring the use of strong encryption standards is a necessity that is not without its challenges. This also requires the creation of end-to-end encryption for the messages, key exchange methods, and user authentication. Also, utilization of features like disappearing messages and secure media sharing also provides further protection to users.

Cost Implication: Security implementation may cost as low as $15, 000 and as high as $25, 000 depending on its proper execution.

6. Backend Infrastructure

A reliable and scalable backend is an essential requirement given the volumes of messages and calls required. This includes server configuration and database, as well as application programming interface (API) implementation.

Due to the application of microservices architecture, load balancing and effective data storage management, the application is capable of handling high traffic. Performance tuning and scalability checks should be performed routinely to sustain the levels of service delivery as the number of users increases.

Cost Implication: Backend development cost approximately in a range of $20000 to $50000 based on the size of the project.

7. Integration of Payment Systems

When it comes to features like in-app purchases or money transfers, including secure payment gateways is crucial. This encompasses use of a PCI-DSS compliant payment processing system, acceptance of multiple modes of payment and creation of secure wallet in the application. Security measures and transparency of transactions are important factors that help users to trust the system and work within its legal framework.

Cost Implication: The integration of payments can cost up to about $10,000 to about $20000 when added to the overall development costs.

8. Testing and Quality Assurance

Thorough testing on various devices and network environments is critical because people interact with the sites and applications in different ways. This includes functional test, performance test, security and risk assessment and user acceptance test. To prevent bugs from reaching customers, using automation and beta testing on actual users can be used to detect and fix any existing problems on an application.

Cost Implication: Quality assurance costs are apportioned normally at 15-20%, costing from $15000 to $30000.

9. Compliance and Legal Considerations

Compliance with data protection regulations and getting the necessary certifications is also important, especially for apps that are used all over the world. This includes GDPR compliance, data protection, and proper privacy policies that help in protecting the users’ data. Also, procuring app store compliance for the brands and ensuring that legal communication proceeds in the various regions as required is crucial.

Cost Implication: Depending on the requirements of the particular state, legal compliance can cost between $5,000 and $15,000 in addition to the other expenses.

Total Cost Estimation

Considering all these factors, the cost to build an app can range significantly:

Type Estimated Pricing Time Duration
Basic $30,000 – $85,000 3-6 Months
Medium $85,000 – $150,000 6-9 Months
Advanced $150,000 – $500,000 9+ Months

However, these are approximate figures and could differ depending on particular needs, selected technologies, and the experience of a development team.

Technology Stack for Building a Botim-like App

Selecting the right tech stack is a significant factor in creating a scalable and reliable messaging app. Here’s a breakdown of the technologies typically used:

Frontend Development

  • Mobile: React Native or Flutter for cross-platform development
  • Web: React.js or Angular for the Botim web app

Backend Development

  • Node.js with Express.js for server-side logic
  • MongoDB or PostgreSQL for database management
  • Redis for caching and real-time features

Real-Time Communication

  • WebRTC for voice and video calls
  • for real-time messaging

Cloud Services

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for scalable infrastructure


  • SSL/TLS for secure data transmission
  • AES-256 for end-to-end encryption

Payment Integration

  • Stripe or PayPal for secure payment processing

Steps to Develop a Messenger App Like Botim

Market Research and Planning: Understand your target market and create a positioning statement.
Feature Prioritization: Determine which features are most essential for the MVP (Minimum Viable Product).
UI/UX Design: Design attractive and easily navigable interfaces.
Backend Development: Implement the servers, the databases, and the APIs.
Frontend Development: Write the client side applications for various platforms..
Integration of Third-Party Services: Create payment gateways, analytics, etc.
Testing and Quality Assurance: Ensure that the app is tested on various devices and under different network conditions.
Deployment: Launch your app in app stores and web platforms.
Maintenance and Updates: Regularly upgrade and enhance your app with the help of users’ responses.

How TekRevol Can Help You with Messenger App Development

TekRevol is also capable of providing end-to-end services in creating complex messaging applications, such as Botim. Our Full-Stack development team from mobile app development Dubai specializes in both React Native and Flutter for merging and compatible platform mobile app development for our Botim Android and iPhone Apps.

We build secure back ends using Node. js in most of its aspects and employs WebRTC and Socket. io for real-time communication. Moreover, designing and deploying our systems on cloud infrastructure platforms like AWS or GCP ensures scalability and reliability.

Privacy and security are important; we use end-to-end encryption and are compliant with the GDPR. Our UX/UI designers create compelling interfaces, meanwhile, our QA team actively tests in various devices and networks. When you work with TekRevol, you’re not merely outsourcing your project to talented coders; you are working with forward-planners who grasp all the challenges that come with building a successful messaging application in the modern world.

Conclusion: Investing in the Future of Communication

The expenditure that is incurred in developing an app like Botim is relatively expensive but the benefits are enormous. The expansion of the global messaging market provides a good potential for new solutions targeting certain requirements. This investment can also have a long term payback through different monetization models and a loyal customer base for future products.

At TekRevol, we comprehend the challenges associated with creating highly effective and elaborate communication systems. Our experienced team helps you to build a Botim Android app and further Botim iOS app development or even a Botim web app. We bring the latest technology whose services go beyond the expected.

As markets evolve in digital communication, working with TekRevol is the same as investing in the future of effective, safe, and equality-oriented communication. It is time to turn your idea into a reality.

Frequently Asked Questions:

BOTIM is an application for messaging and voice and video calls and its name is derived from ‘Be On Time’. It is mainly employed in placing voice and video calls and in sending text messages through the internet connection.

The cost for building a basic application ranges from $5,000 to $50,000. A simple app has basic user features including a login system, a user profile facility, an app interface and basic administration. The cost of the medium-complex app is $50, 000-$120, 000.

The development of a social media app typically lasts between 3 and 11 months. This timeline may vary depending on functionality, complexity, and work specifications of a specific app.

Author : Waleed K.

Waleed works as a content marketer at Tekrevol, focusing on app development. He enjoys sharing about the latest tech trends in a clear and engaging way. With a love for technology, Waleed brings valuable insights to readers in the fast-changing tech world.

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