Five Highly Useful Mobile Apps To Download During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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April 20, 2020 - Team TekRevol
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As the world is taken aback by this global pandemic, practicing social distancing has made everyone genuinely realize the importance of technology as we all turn to mobile apps to keep us informed, entertained, engaged, and even safe.

It is no wonder that more and more businesses and entrepreneurs are looking for Android and iPhone app development services to revise their business model and contribute to making these tough times a bit less challenging for everyone.

We have made a list of the five most useful apps to have on your mobile phones during the pandemic.


1-    Don’t Touch Your Face:

Don’t touch your face is one of the most appropriate apps for these times. As medical experts have strictly asked people not to touch their faces as one of the most important precautionary measures against COVID-19, this app will make your life much more comfortable in this regard.

It incorporates a simple machine-learning algorithm that identifies the images of every user while touching their face and while not doing so. Once it adopts and learns from the information, you can leave it open in a tab, maybe go back to work, and it sends a notification every time you touch your face.


2-    Covid-19 Tracker:

COVID-19 Tracker is another app you need to have on your mobile phone. It allows you to report your symptoms to enable early diagnoses and decrease the chances of spreading the infection in others.


Besides, in case a user is tested positive for the virus, the app automatically sends a notification to your contacts so they can get medical care to avoid infection. The app separates its users into three categories.  Those who have tested negative and are asymptomatic are identified by the color green, those who have the symptoms but haven’t been tested yet are shown in yellow, and users who have tested positive for coronavirus are identified with the color pink.

COVID-19 Tracker aims to keep people informed with the app’s map and help them stay safe, stay healthy, stay informed.


3-    Youper:

These are unprecedented and very challenging times for the entire world. But, we must take some time out and affect this has on our emotional health. Youper is an emotional health assistant app that uses artificial intelligence to help users better manage their mood, reduce their anxiety, and improve their sleep patterns.

Youper uses several approaches like Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Mindfulness, to enable users to understand better what they are feeling and work on their relationships. You can check out the mindfulness practices and soothing sleep sounds that can relax you, have a digital conversation with the app, and monitor your emotions. This is a must app to have on your phones right now.


4-    The CDC App:

One of the most important things you should be doing right now is to stay informed so that you can make the right decisions.

One of the very helpful apps to download during COVID-19 in the US is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention app. It is an organization’s mobile app that brings up-to-date information and offers advice on how to take better care of yourself. The app updates midday, every day to give you the latest information about the confirmed cases in every US state. CDC tells you what you can do to protect yourself and what you can do to treat the symptoms.


5-    Daylio:

One of the tough things to do while being in self-quarantine is to keep up with your thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Daylio comes recommended by therapists, and it helps you keep a private journal and keep track of your daily mood and activities.

Users can also include notes to every entry they make in the journal using emojis and getting creative with it. They can also categorize their entries by assigning different colors to them that reflect your mood. It is an excellent addition as it helps you be productive, create goals, makes a list of new things you want to try, and you can even keep your journals private by switching on the lock.


Wrapping up:

Make sure you try these apps and spend this time being creative and productive. If you had a business idea or you want to build your app, this is the best time to do that. People are looking for things that can keep them engaged, and your app can be one of them.

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