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Client Brief
Like many other industries, real state and associated businesses experience a pressing need for intervention from the latest technologies and digital solutions for increased efficiency and productivity.

The Introduction
Tekrevol, design and development specialists build Re-Installer to be a modern, scalable, extensible, and secure platform that extend the capabilities of real estate professionals and deliver unmatched facilities.
The Problem
Sometimes delicate situations present themselves, which may require a team of installers who can work according to the special needs of the agents. The element of customization is imperative for this portal to ensure all users can avail excellent services.

The Solution
Re-Installer is a complete, ultimate platform for passionate realtors who love to go the extra mile to get the job done just the way they like it.
The Highlights
The real estate agents have all options they may need to personalize the sign requests before they place their orders. The stallers on the portal can highly benefit from the organized structure, higher efficiency, and robust system.

The Results
The end product, team Tekrevol created is a reliable, comprehensive, intuitive, and user-friendly portal tailor-made for real estate professionals. Re-Installer is everything realtors and sign installers hoped for, it provides all necessary details and ensures no more messed up orders and no more billing disputes.