Project Goal
More and more businesses have started advocating the employee wellbeing and fitness. Our client, as a modern leader understands that employee wellness is a primary factor in any organization’s success. Workers’ physical, mental and emotional health impact the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations, regardless of the sector or market a business operates in.

The Problem
Modern jobs require employees to act agile, and active on their toes during the business hours. Deadlines, targets, work pressure, or the nature of specific jobs can make employees feel rushed. Furthermore, the workspace arrangements, even if they are spacious or congested, can drain employees physically.
While some employees can make conscious efforts for their physical fitness, others may get anxious and overwhelmed at the end of the day. This drain can directly affect their physical wellbeing and ultimately impact their productivity at work.
Building onto this narrative, client wanted to create a fitness app that would keep track of employees’ daily activities aimed at achieving wellness.
The App Idea
Client had asked for an app that would reflect her vision. The app idea was simple yet comprehensive, clearly laid out, and doable. Yet, we knew we had to come up with a top-notch application because our target users, themselves, were sophisticated professionals who would prefer value and relevance above everything else.

Client’s Expectations
The app had to have an interface, super-friendly and less distracting for corporate employees who already have stressful jobs. It had to be feature-packed, targeted at promoting wellness actions including: drinking enough water, exercising, taking time off the screens, participating in workouts, eating healthy breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
Tekrevol’s Solution
We performed a meticulous research of the target market, projected users, and the overall scope of the project. Our creative and development teams devised a strategic plan and developed the fitness app, Workplace Wellness that we are proud of today.

Typography and Colors

Workplace Wellness Fitness App’s Feature Highlights

The Result
With client’s collaboration, teamwork and the motto to innovate, Tekrevol developed AMJ Workplace Wellness app, that matches our in-house quality standards and exceeds our client’s expectations. The app is live and yet to impact the productivity and efficiency of countless professionals and their organizations.

Ready To Upgrade Your Business?
So Are We! We know how to take apps above and beyond to deliver results and achieve business goals.