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The S.E.L.F App by Project Impact MS is another leap towards a utopian future where educational organizations can seamlessly operate, improve enrollment, save time, communicate with the students beyond the classroom, and monitor the level of emotional intelligence – All while fostering operation excellence and enhancing the learning experience of students.
The idea behind the web app was ingenious, and to bring this out-of-the-box app idea to life, Project Impact turned to Tekrevol.

The Idea Behind Project Impact
According to research, the two most critical skills required for academic success were understanding and managing emotions. For this reason, it was important for educational organizations to determine the students with a low level of E.Q.
Therefore, to extract the number of students with a low level of E.Q, Project MS Impact wanted to develop a web app that would have specific functionality and features aimed towards not only identifying problems or communications issues within the institutes but also give them insights into the emotional intelligence level of the students.
The Challenge
Developing such an advanced and objective-focused platform was the challenge here that Tekrevol had to overcome.
From integrating relevant features that would help the web app extract quality data for an organization to designing an appealing interface that would attract the students into using it, the approach to developing the web app had to be strategic and innovative.
Moreover, we knew that creating such a platform would not only maximize an educational organization's effectiveness or performance but also become the pinnacle of change in the education system. So, the stakes were high!

The Solution
By bridging the communication gap between the internal staff of an educational institute with a web app, Tekrevol was able to determine the students with a low level of emotional intelligence.
We leverage emerging and conventional technologies to create an interactive interface that allows students to input their data, feelings, and other critical information.
After collecting the information, the web app was programmed to analyze it to give a percentage of E.Q in the students. The web app also allowed the internal staff of an organization to monitor the mood of their students, which also resulted in several findings in the long run.

Features Of The S.E.L.F Web App
Successfully enabling an institute to monitor the E.Q level of their students, the web app was able to foster a culture of developing high E.Q in students. The following features of the S.E.L.F app made it seamless for the staff of an organization to extract data:
Guided journals for teachers and students using grade plans.
Hosts events for students and teachers via zoom.
Conduct surveys across grades
Monitor daily temperature checks for students and teachers.
Extensive reporting for school admins and teachers.
Monitor moods of students conveniently through the dashboard of the app.
The Impact Of S.E.L.F By Project Impact
Through internal collaboration, planning of an agile framework, and comprehensive Q/A sessions, Tekrevol was able to build the S.E.L.F web app that was capable of increasing productivity and efficiency of the students, teachers, parents, and other associated staff by providing them on-demand access to the educational material and more.
The platform was designed to digitally capture and maintain records through the C.M.S., ensuring progressive growth and performance while releasing the in-house team's pressure to maintain the records manually.
Lastly, effective communication and access to updated information enable individuals to set desired benchmarks, reduce costs involved in communication, and lead all the stakeholders on the same page with a precise and clear understanding of the current situations.

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