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Client Brief
Entertainment at its very best, Picture Pick is an exciting, picture-based guessing game app that you’re bound to get addicted to regardless of your age.

The Introduction
Everything begins with a crazy idea. The big idea for Picture Pick was to bring together two things that no one could refuse: a chance to play an addictive online game, and the opportunity to win cash prizes while at it.
The Problem
The challenge was to create a simple yet entertaining guessing game that operates in accordance to a set of intricate rules and procedures. At the same time, we also wanted to integrate an effective advertising module that could showcase sponsors.

The Solution
We were able to develop a complex sequence of rule implementation algorithms, based on a set of predefined conditions. To this, our team included resulting reward combinations wherever applicable, and created this addictive game that is sure to entertain the gamer inside you. To make sure that the app could cater to large clusters, irrespective of age, gender or interests, we gave it a simplistic design and intuitive user experience.
The Highlights
One of the best features of the app, aside from its rules-and-sequence implementation, is the automatic report generation for admin. This basically allows access to important information and statistics, such as, the number of people who viewed ads, played the game and total number of rewards that have been won and collected.

The Results
We paired the best of gaming entertainment, with effective app monetization strategies to give the perfect form to the Picture Pick app. The result was the creation of an efficient, easy to use and entertaining game app, that’s filled with bundles of rewarding prizes for users.